Tate Yoga Studio Information Page

Sunday, August 7, 2011

New Light on Forgivness !! Forgivness Week..

 The healing  can take place  only in release , and you  can release every person only when
that state of  "GRACE ".. has come to you  and you realize that you  no longer need power.
Your oneness with " SPIRIT "  is your  assurance of  Omniscience, Omnipotence , and Omnipresence, and because of that you can  "RELEASE'"  anybody and everybody.

This might be called forgiving, but is far better way of dealing with the whole subject of "Forgivness" than the traditional approach. To "Forgive", is difficult because  forgivness has always implied  the forgiving of a actual wrong done, which in some way one is  supposed to forget. This is rather difficult to do. It is  far easier to forgive if you can see that the reason that you think a wrong has been done to you is because you were expecting something from someone, and you had no right to expect anything from anybody. So in the begining it was your
fault; you brought it on yourself. You  expected something of someone; therefore, that person did to you what you are having a hard time forgiving. If you had not expected anything  of him,
however, you would have nothing now to " Forgive", and you  and he would be at "Peace"....

Bringing the Awareness to the Movement of the Body "Meditation"

One  aspect  of meditation is to come  back into the Here and Now.
Normally we are remembering the past or thinking about the future.Very seldom are we ever in the present moment. This technique will help you come into the present and will help
relaxation to happen.
 Moving slowly, become aware of how you walk. Close your eyes and with your inner eye, see or sense or feel the foot moving, become aware of the heel,ball of the foot and the toes.
Move your awarness to the calves, feeling them as you move along.Now observe your knees and thighs. Become aware of your belly and solar plexus.Move your inner seeing/sensing or feeling to your chest. Tune into your breathing. Now include in your inner awarness your shoulders,your neck and head. Add to this awarness of your arms and hands.

This is one way to practice awarness. To start with, choose simple actions from the daily routine life, such as walking, eating, cooking and cleaning . Make it like a game. When you  lose your awarness, don't be discouraged. It takes time to be able to be continually aware of your actions. Give yourself praise for having been aware even if it is just for a moment...