Tate Yoga Studio Information Page

Monday, May 30, 2011

WE Seem to Hear Two Voices

The beginning stages of listening  often report hearing two" voices ". Inner voices are not  any different  from those we hear when we talk to ourselves -a sort of inner dialogue.
And we do talk to ourselves, wether we are aware of it or not. If we have wondered  about an idea  or a current event or wondered why something  exists -that wondering in our
mind is our "voice". It's just our "voice". It may take on  certain special characteristics if it will assist the listener. "Why ?" we ask ourselves. Aha! See, we do talk to ourselves .This is one way that truth comes to us- in the form of our own thoughts-the form that we can accept the easiest.Simply because it  is always with us , waiting to be heard,we cannot miss it unless
we so choose. Since we are so use to talking to ourselves, taking both sides of an internal conversation,we seem to hear two voices. We seem to have split our minds into two parts.When we ask ourselves what to do about this or that, the answer that we hear is our "voice" speaking , there are some differences, however,and it is helpful to recognize them Our daily, busy minds see much to do and create many needs to be filled . However, our contemplative  side sees order, joy, and harmony. This creative ,intuitive mind enjoys beauty and peace. As long as we feel in conflict, the experience of these two voices will continue.The one is" Prejudgment " as used here, is not the same  as logic, but may include logic. As we become  more aware of our "Insight " or Inner guide". the first voice, our " prejudgement".
becomes less dominant and more quiet .The less importance we give its tendency to judge in advance,the more we seek to remain  open-minded. It's good to become an observer  of our
thoughts- to see which thoughts are based on prejudgement, fear, prejudice and lack of trust -and which thoughts are trusting ,open,loving, and peaceful. If we dig  deeply and honestly  enough we will find that all thoughts are from  one of these two sources. Then  with our mind calm, we can " go inside and listen".When we are finished "listening".We may find that few of these things really need our attention. "Listening " gives perspective to our Lives. The "first"
voice always  answered quckly with suggestions for things to do and much to think about .
While the fist voice seemed certain of what I should do. I noticed that it usually was rapid,forceful. worried and often fearful. When I listened to the first "voice" I never had a  a feeling of peace or real confidence ,yet I did feel that I was in contacting someting beyond my  intellectual reasoning-some type of inner knowledge. As I looked more closely at what it wanted me to do ,I could see that the basis  for its decisions was often  fear {limitation}- fear of missing out ,fear of being late,or fear of all types of things. As I thought  about it , this negativity did not seem to be the type of advise that I  would get  from a peaceful and all -knowing source. Fortunatley, for m y peace of mind. I had  learned  gradually that this first voice was not always the one to "listen" to , and I calmly waited for a secound voice. I don't remember exactly what I heard ,but I was  assured that I would be taken  care of and that I should love everyone  in the place, from  those crowding in , to the seemingly uncaring attendants .I went outside , took some pictures  of the beautiful scenery and returned ,not worried about waiting .In a very short time ,I was at the front of what I laughingly called a line ,and was taken care of while many others around me became angry about the confusion. When I "Listen" and then feel the calm and the love  in my heart  that "listening " shows me .I know  that I will be taken care of ,and I am. I am at peace in a miraculous way, willing to  to accept what is happening  around me .Being taken care of ,I do not have to change anything or try to protect myself or provide  for my needs .I do not pretend  to know  how all this works , and  my logical mind cannot explain it. Of  course , just loving  or trying to love people , is not the whole answer. My loving is not enough : I must ask my guide what to do ,what is happening ,and how to see it. But my faith  that I will be taken care of, coupled with "listening" to my Inner voice for direction  and assurance ,does have the power to make me
feel peaceful and protected  and to experience  this harmony. but confidence that what is happening  is for the best, no matter what my  own "judgement " or my "first voice" may tell me. .This secound voice has been called the  still, small voice  the Voice  for God , the inner guide the  vision, Spirit , intution  and many other names .But  by whatever name it is  called , it  is available to all of us  for direction  and reassurance . Its use  requires our desire to seek help from within ,as well as our  willingness to be quite and listen.  Namaste Janis  

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Loving Kindness Meditation

Today  at my Yoga Class at Unity !!  We practiced this simply Mediatation  and was requested
for me to put  this on my Blog !! Sit in a comfortable position. Set the Intention  to practice this meditation with out judgement  and a healthy dose of affection for yourself. Inhaling and Exhaling through your heart., visualize a time  when you are really happy and experince  that feeling now. Recite, silently, the following statements.

May I be filled with loving-kindness ;  May I be peaceful ; May I be healthy ;
May I be happy.
Repeat the prayer  over and over  again for several  minutes, feeling as though  you're swaddled in loving-kindness. When you feel  ready , subsitute the name of the person  you wish to forgive for the word" I " Set the Intention  to wrap this person  in the love you now hold in your heart. Don't worry if this seems impossible at first. Be patient , and ever so gradually, you  begin to feel a shift..

Remember anything that is not Love is fear. see that emotion  as fear instead of hatred or anger  may help you forgive transgressions a little easier... The following  loving -kindness meditation  will help  with the process of easing your heart.. Namaste Janis Tate

Stop Mediation Technique and Calling to Oneself..2 short Practices..

This  is a method which  Gurdjief , Russian  mystic used with his disciples. Sometime during the day, when the rememberance comes, just  STOP !!  Observe how the body is feeling , the sounds around you  and any emotions or feelings or thoughts arising. Just observe them ,  there is no need to alter or change anything .
Just observe. This meditation  brings you into the moment .Coming into the present  is one of the benefits of Mediatation.

Meditation practice : Calling to Oneself : This mediatation is to  bring you into the Moment.
In your Daily Life , from time to time  stop and say : { Your Name }, Are you there ?""
Then close your eyes , feel where your body is  and then feel your breath and when  you are Present  answer :   " YES , I am  here".
 Since these are short practices. I thought  two would be fun to practice out through the week..Love to hear your comments what came up for you !!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jamestown Community Center Schedule

News & Events

Jamestown Community Center

Summer Series
July 21 2011 - 6 Week

Fall Series
Sept 1 2011 - 12 Weeks

Drop In Class is $14.00.

Thursdays from 3:30- 5:00 P.M.
Make up classes can be done here at the Tate Yoga Studio..

Pleasant Hill - Uplands Village
Chair Yoga Class on Thursday mornings from 9-10:15 AM for all Ages! $60.00 for 6 weeks

Contact; Mary Schwarz for directions and any Questions at Call 277-3325 & leave message and she will contact you.

Upcoming Events
• Yin Practice Workshop was a huge success! more workshops to be announced

Reposting updated Schedule for Crossville Classes

(scroll to the right to see complete listings)

Tate Yoga Studio Schedule and Rates

• Rate:
$40.00- 4 Weeks
$60.00- 8 Weeks
$12.00 Drop in Class
$25.00 - 4 weeks For Students

Includes optional hot tub &/or infrared sauna session after class!
You can make up classes on other days should you miss your scheduled
class due to travel, sickness or weather conditions.

Yoga classes are available at your Business or Home
Six Students Minimum requirement, for 6 week session $10.00 per person.

Private Group lessons availale in the Studio!

call Janis for Information : 931-707-8840 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 931-707-8840 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 931-707-8840 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

** Ask about a class card. Prepay for 5,10, or 20 classes. We’ll keep track of them for you. Makes a great gift for any occasion.

* Classes are suitable for all levels of Students!

• Mondays...........................5:30pm - 7pm
• Tuesday ..........................4:00-5:30
• Wednesday ......................no classes
• No Class scheduled for Thursdays at this time
• Friday ..............................no classes
• Saturday ..........................no classes
• Sunday ............................By Appointment

The Sunday class is Instructed by Janis
Please Call to schedule Appointment

Pleasant Hill - Uplands Village
Chair Yoga Class on Thursday mornings from 9-10:15 AM for all Ages! $60.00 for 6 weeks

Contact; Mary Schwarz for directions and any Questions at Call 277-3325 & leave message and she will contact you.

Cookeville at Unity
823 E. 10th St.
Classes are:
Tuesday 10:30-12:00 pm & Friday 9:30-11:00 am
$60.00 for 6 Weeks
Walk in $12.00. Please bring a Mat and Blanket.
For Questions contact Janis Tate

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What Yoga can do for you !!

My story  and how I got into Yoga . I actually got into Yoga about 16 years ago  and it was just by accident  , I guess that you can say, how the " Universe " works in mysterious ways  I have  always been  very physical and athletic all my  life. I actually  had a very serious back surgery in my early twenty's . I never had back problems I use to do alot  of back bends and forward flips in my younger school days  also riding the horse all the time  when I lived at home  bike riding  just the usual stuff when growing up and right around after my 21 "Birthday " I  started to have terrible back ache  actually the hip on my right side popped out and my right leg was going paralyized  and I became  to be in alot of pain  which I suffered for about  a year  and finally had to go to the doctor  which I try to avoid I just knew that I would end up in the hospital  and sure enough working with the doctor  for another  year  that is actually what took place . I had the surgery knowing that I could come out  with a cast from the waist down or a brace  which I was lucky to end up with the brace  and also the possibility of being paralayzed  which was happening in my right leg anyway  and the plan was to  scrape the bone of my right hip and use that  to make 2 disk  which we found  that had been missing since birth  in my lower lumbar spine .I also was informed from the MRI that there was a cap missing on a nerve that they  thaught  was the cause of my leg going numb.  I   decided to have the surgery  because there really wasn't any alternatives not in case I wanted to stay on pain meds the rest of my life  and no thank you !!
I had the surgery  I struggled with alot of back aches and electric  shots up and down my back  and yet I had feeling back in my leg I still was in alot of discomfort  but the doctor said I am still alot better off then before but  from  my perspective i could not really agree with that but he was right  I did do alot of swimming for my back  and still could alot of physical things i didn't allow it to cripple my life .I even  got into Scuba diving he said as long as I would not lift over a 100 pounds  so I manage to do that for about 5 years and dirt  bike riding  but still had  back aches I couldn't sleep with my legs straight out  and still the  wierd shocks in my  back and now about 12 years has passed by  still going to the gym and swimming  and then  I  came across a Yoga Class now I am around  in my early forty's watching and thinking i wonder if this could help my back ???

So the next week  I came into class and I really felt good after class especially  my back ??
I made my mind up to sign up  for a 6 week class this was the best thing Iever did in my
whole "Life". My  back aches  were less the longer I stayed with  the "Yoga" the more
improvments  came about I started  sleeping better the pain was leaving the electric shocks that brought me straight up off the couch when I was sound a sleep were going away  I could actually sleep with my legs straight out  instead of my knees bent  all night rocking back and forth  and that has stopped also .
I fell in Love with "YOGA" I had been practicing now about 10 years  and I started out just like everyone else first it was just once a week  then 2 times  then 3 and then it be came a
"Lifestyle" change there is not a day that goes by with  out my "Personal Practice".

I also knew when I would not be practicing  as faith fully my back would start in with the back ache  and not sleeping well so I  know the Yoga is what  was fixing my back along with the deep breathing Excercises too.

I  am now  teaching Yoga  and have been going on 6 years .I learned so much just not the Physical aspects  the Spiritual  aspects and Health and Diet and how the  Body and Mind  and Soul all work together  ,there are so many styles of Yoga  that can heal the mind and body  you just have to find what works for you !!  I go to "Workshops " that are Yoga  and they are amazed  especially  "Teachers" about  how I  got into Yoga to see how strong I am  and doing "Back bends" it is never to late to do someting good for yourself it is a "Lifestyle Change" and  I feel I need to share this with others to know  that "Yoga" can heal  in so many ways !! I am also  sending this on to  a wonderful teacher that I recently had  the oppurtunity  to be on a  Yoga Retreat in Louisianna  back in May  called a "Open Heart" with Mary Prafford.
She inspired me to write this to let others know what "Yoga " can do  ,so if you can walk you can do Yoga !!  and be   Happy and pain  free if not at least have it managable instead of "Suffering" I hope this can shed some light  on someone who is looking to change there "life" and if you don't have   any Issuses it is a great way of "Life" Namaste Janis